Tahitian Noni® Juice
Tahitian Noni® Juice

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Tapasztalatok a Nonirl
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llatorvosok s llattartk vlemnye

egyre npszerbb az llattartk s llatorvosok krben is

A TAHITIAN NONI® Juice 1996-ban jelent meg az USA-ban, s nhny hnap alatt mris tretlen npszersgre tett szert, nem csak az emberek, hanem az llattartk s llatorvosok krben is. Taln nem vletlenl, hiszen dr. Ralph Heinicke, aki mr az 50-es vek elejtl kutatta a noni hatanyagnak titkt, azt vette szre, hogy az ananszbl kivont bromelain enzim, amit akkor nagy mennyisgben elssorban llatoknak adtak takarmnyozs cljbl, igen jtkony hatssal br az llatok egszsgre. Ksbb dr. Heinicke izollta a kulcsanyagot a bromelainbl, melyet Xeronin-nak nevezett el.

A szmtalan pozitv tapasztalat eredmnyekppen a TAHITIAN NONI® Juice-t forgalmaz Tahitian Noni International cg 2004-tl - elsknt a vilgon - forgalomba hozta a tpllkkiegsztk kifejezetten llatoknak (lovaknak) kifejlesztett vltozatt, gy ez a termk az els olyan noni alap tpllkkiegszt, amit llatok szmra hoztak forgalomba. A termk neve: EQUINE ESSENTIALS. Az j termkcsald 2005. prilis elejn kapta meg az egysges EU forgalombahozatali engedlyt, remljk, hogy 2005. vgig a hazai piacon is tallkozhatunk majd vele.
Kattints a kpre az Equine oldalra val belpshez...


Dr.Gary Tran Dr. Gary Tran, llatorvos, Louisville, KY, USA:
"A TAHITIAN NONI® Juice igazn sikeres volt a csaldomban, de a legnagyobb megdbbenst szmomra egy haldokl 4 lbn elrt eredmny hozta. Ezt 35 ves llatorvosi tapasztalat alapjn llthatom. Soha nem ltott ervel br a TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. - A dr. Gary Tran llatorvossal kszlt video a kpre kattintva indthat el."


Nmet juhsz kutya Nmet dog betegsge - Ttrai Viktor, Veresegyhz
" Felttlenl meg kell emltenem a kutym Schultz r „tapasztalatt”, egy 72 kg-os nmet dog fajtj kutya. 1999. mjustl kezdden kullancscspstl kapott Lyme krban szenvedett. A krhzi kezelse utn hathetes antibiotikum kra eredmnyekppen egybehangz llatorvosi vlemny volt: a kutyt el kell altatni. Mivel ezt nem tudtam megtenni az orvosok ajnlatra: Metypred s Quamatel plusz napi 2dl joghurt s kefir adagolsval 2001. prilisig kezeltem a kutyust. Az llapota fjdalommentes, levert, kelletlen s hasmenses volt. Mivel kt ve nem kapott vdoltst veszettsg ellen, a krsemre az llatorvosok elmondtk, hogy ezen gygyszerek mellet teljesen hatstalan lenne, 10 napig eltte, 20 napig utna, nem kaphatja egyiket sem. A kutya 3 napi gygyszer kihagys utn magatehetetlen llapotban nyszrgve fekdt a fldn. Ekkor kezdtem el 2001. prilis 24-n napi 2-szer 30 ml TAHITIAN NONI Juice-t itatni vele. Legnagyobb meglepetsemre az llat a hgtatlan juice-t azonnal kinyalta a lbasbl. Ezt kveten mjus 02-n mindkt gygyszer adst megszntettem, s egszen hallig, augusztus 31-ig nem kapta tbbet azokat. A kutya ragyog llapotba kerlt, szre kifnyesedett, jbl jellegzetes dog tartsa lett, hasmense elmlt. A msik kutya jtka ell mindig kitrt korbban, most kezdemnyezett. Errl vide felvtel is kszlt. A kutya hallt sajnos nagy mennyisg fagyasztott hs ellopsa s bezablsa okozta... "
Nmet juhsz kutya Kutya autimmun betegsge - Hankovics Zoltn, Bp.
" Szinte msodik gyerekknt szeretett 50 kg-os nmetjuhsz kutynk lbain sebek keletkeztek, amik aztn nttek s vreztek is. Az llatorvos bzmirigy problmkra gyanakodott, elszr ennek megfelelen ltta el. Aztn kapott antibiotikumot, de nem mltak a sebek. Kvetkezett volna a szteroid-kra, de a vrhat slyos mellkhatsok miatt ebbe nem egyeztnk bele. Ekkor Nmetorszgbl, illetve Ausztribl hozott egyik rokonunk egy veg TAHITIAN NONI® Juice-t, mivel ott az ismersei kutyjnl mr eredmnyes volt. Elkezdtk vele fecskendn keresztl itatni. Pr ht utn ltvnyosan javulni kezdett. Gygyszereket nem kapott. Pr hnap utn tnetmentes lett. Ez tbb mint egy vvel ezeltt trtnt, azta minden hnapban megiszik egy veggel, amit szerencsre mr Magyarorszgon is be tudunk neki szerezni. "
Matyi cicnk Megjtt az esze a macsknknak - Peti Budapestrl
" Ngy s fl ves volt a kedvencnk, Matyi nev herlt kandr, amikor kt jabb kiscica rkezett a hzhoz. Matyi kezdettl fogva ellensgesen viselkedett velk, fltette a sttuszt, miszerint mr nem csak lesz az egyedli hzi kedvenc. Majd elmlik, sszebartkoznak, mondtk a macskaszakrtk, de nem gy lett. Matyi llandan oda-odaszott a kicsiknek s velnk sem volt hajland "szballni", holott azeltt kimondottan kedves, hzelg macska volt. Mg velnk is aludt. Eltelt 8-10 hnap s semmi vltozs. Matyit egsz nap nem lttuk, csak enni jtt haza s ha szltunk hozz, gy tett, mint aki sket. Radsul, ha nyltunk fel, fjni s karmolni kezdett. Teljesen idegbeteg macska lett. Azutn jtt a noni. Kt-hrom hnap sajt fogyaszts utn elhatroztuk, hogy adunk a macsknak is az telbe keverve. Alig egy ht telt el s Matyi ismt a rgi kedves cica lett. llandan hzeleg ismt, az gyunkon alszik s mg napkzben is felugrik nha az lnkbe, ami nagy sz, mert Hofi (a megmaradt jvevny cica) is mindig a kzelnkben van. Szval a noni visszaadta a macsknkat. Mg a Hofit sem veri llandan, van gy, hogy egytt is esznek. Mg hozzteszem, hogy Matyinak volt egy betegsge is. Nha az egyik hts lba minden lthat ok nlkl beroggyant. llatorvos, rtg, ultrahang, stb. Nem talltak semmit, de azt mondtk, hogy ez valami jfajta betegsg, sajnljk, de nincs mit tenni. Ha slyosabbak lesznek ezek a tnetek, vigyk vissza, aztn vagy el kell altatni, vagy nem. Mita nonit kap, a macsknak kutya baja. "
Zsfi kutynk Kutya torokgyulladsa - Egy llatbart, Bp.
" Zsfi kutynk elg rzkeny, ha kimelegedve hideg vizet kap, knnyen megfzik a torka. Elg ijeszt, amikor egy kutya khg, gy els alkalommal rohantunk vele az llatorvoshoz - kiderlt, hogy torokgyulladsa van. Kb. hrom napig gygyszereket kellett neki adni, ami egyltaln nem volt knnyu. Tavaly nyron, amikor megfzott, mr nem voltunk annyira rmltek, s persze volt mr nonink is, gy kzenfekv volt, hogy kiprbljuk. Elszr az ujjamrl adtam, hogy lenyalhassa, s miutn kiderlt, hogy zlik neki, kis pohrba tltve kb. 10 ml-t adtunk. Boldogan kilefetyelte, s - br nem figyeltk, hogy pontosan mikor hagyta abba a khgst - tbbet nem is kellett neki adni. Azta mg nhnyszor elfordult ilyen eset, s mindig elegend volt ez a mennyisg a gygyulshoz. Az elmlt nyron viszont nem is volt torokgyulladsa. Lehet, hogy azrt, mert azta is imdja a nonit, amikor isszuk, ott ll s epekedve vrja, htha is kap. Egy kutyapedaggus nyilvn nem rlne, de gyakran megesik rajta a szvnk, s hagyunk egy kicsit a pohr aljban, amit boldogan kinyalogat. "
A kis kamleon A lerobbant kamleon esete - Zsuzsa, Bp.
" Gyakran hoznak hozzm beteg llatokat, fleg kamleonokat, olyanok, akik meguntk az llatot, illetve hozz nem rt tartssal annyira lerontottk, hogy a kezelse tl nagy anyagi/idbeli terhet rna rjuk, s ezt mr nem hajlandk vllalni. A kamleon nagyon figyelemre mlt llny, magas az gynevezett "cool-faktor", vagyis "klasszul" nz ki, ezrt valaki megveszi (kell tgondols s felkszls nlkl) kb. egy hnapig tnyleg "cool" az llat, utna a szakszertlen tartsi krlmnyeknek ksznheten elkezd haldokolni, s 1-3 hnap haldokls utn elhullik. Ez az ltalnos plyafutsa az llatkereskedsben megvsrolt kamleonoknak... Nekem is van ppen most 2 olyan kamleon a fagyasztmban, akiket tl ksn hoztak ide, s az egyetlen dolog, amit adni tudtam nekik, a gyors s fjdalommentes hall volt. szintn szlva, n nem engednm, hogy ilyen nehezen tarthat llatot laikusoknak ruljanak. A sajt llataim ltal tojt tojsokat le is fagyasztottam, megelzend a kikelst s a fiatalok elhelyezsnek gondjt. A szban forg sisakos kamleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) a mlt hten kerlt hozzm. llatkereskedsben dolgoz ismerseim szltak, hogy otthagytak nluk egy beteg kamleont, amelyet a gazdja ott vsrolt nluk, de nem kvn tovbb tartani. Az llat rettenetesen nzett ki, egy vesnek mondta az elz tulajdonos, de mretei egy 3-4 hnaposnak sem feletek meg. Annyira le volt gyenglve, hogy a lbai nem brtk el a sajt testt. Arrl, hogy kamleonhoz mltn felkapaszkodjk egy fagra, sz sem lehetett. A nyelve le volt szakadva, nagyon slyos vitamin- s kalciumhinyban szenvedett, a csontjai teljesen el voltak formtlanodva, gumiszeren puhk voltak. Mindennek tetejben az llaton egy korbbi vedls maradvnyai szradtak, s szinte hallosan ki volt szradva. Sajnos a kiszrads miatt kloka-elesse is volt, ami akkor keletkezik, amikor a kiszradt llat a szintn kiszradt blsrtl prbl erlkdve megszabadulni, s az erlkdstl a kloka egy rsze elesik, vagyis a testregen kvlre kerl, kilg. Mindenki azt mondta, hogy semmi remny a kis kamcsi letben maradsra, s hogy a legjobb lenne fjdalommentesen (injekci) elpuszttani. n gy vlem, az llatok tudjk, mikor kell meghalniuk, s jobban szeretem hagyni, hogy minden llat a sajt hallt halja, a sajt idejben. Azon kvl ltni egy llaton, hogy mikor adta fel, s mikor nem akar mr tovbb kzdeni, s ebben a kamleonban volt valami, amitl ltszott, hogy megri mg egy eslyt adni neki. Ezrt belevgtam, llatorvosom segtsgvel, a kezelsbe. A cl elssorban az volt, hogy az llatot megfelelen hidratljam, s az elesett kloka visszattele utn megelzzem a tovbbi szkrekedst, s az jabb elesst. Ktrnknt szemcseppentbl itattam a kamleont, aki egybknt a Nyelvi nevet kapta, izotnis oldat s Noni fele-fele arny keverkvel. Etetsnl leturmixolt tcskbl, tojssrgjbl, izotnis oldatbl, kalciumporbl s multivitamin-porbl ll, elg hg elesggel etettem, szintn szemcseppentbl. Mivel nyelve nem volt, s a kalciumhinytl az llkapcsai annyira puhk voltak, hogy kptelen volt megrgni brmit is, sz sem lehetett rla, hogy egsz rovarokat fogjon vagy akrcsak egyen. Sajnos Nyelvinek egyltaln nem volt szklete, s a msodik nap hnyni kezdet. Attl tartottam, hogy a helyre tett kloka megsrlt, s a hegeseds miatt blelzrds alakult ki, s ezrt nem kpes rteni. Nem adtam neki hg elesget, csak az itatst folytattam, s nhny alkalommal tiszta Nonit is adtam neki. Kzben pedig teljesen lemondtam rla, meg voltam gyzdve rla (nem csak n, msok is), hogy elpusztul. Csaknem fekete volt, ami a kamleonok stressz-sznezete, knyelmetlensget, betegsget jelent. Ez utn egyltaln nem hnyt tbbet, s a msodik napon rtett is. Mg egy nap koplals utn (ekkor mr ijeszten sovny volt, de sokkal aktvabb, felmszott a terrriumban lv gakra, stressz-sznei helyett norml zld volt, s nagyon rendesen ivott) ismt adtam neki hg elesget, amit megevett, s msnapra sikeresen rtett is. (A szkletvizsglat bels lskdt nem tallt.) Krlbell egy ht mlva Nyelvi mr darabokra vgott tcskt evett. Mg mindig megvan, mr csak hetente egyszer adok neki egy kis Nonit, amgy norml kamleon-elesget eszik, egszben de csipeszrl, s megkapja a szoksos vitamin- s svnyianyag-kiegsztket. Nem tl szp kamleon, sohasem lesz mr az (nekem azrt persze tetszik), s nem lesz hasznlhat tenysztsben sem, de l, s jl rzi magt. "
Lovas tapasztalatok Stephen Story - Scientific Research
" Just a few highlights. Carcinoma of the eye, a horse with one eye completely covered by tumor, 4 months on TNJ, 1 cup a day and drops applied to the eye, completely cleared up the carcinoma. Horse, hoof completely torn off. After months on TNJ and applying juice topically, the hoof grew back. Normally this horse would have been destroyed. "
Lovas tapasztalatok Horse immune system - Marie Hakala
" Whether you are looking to keep your horse's immune system healthy or get it healthy before the dreaded 2003 west nile season is upon us you owe it to yourself to think in terms of a natural product that has done wonders for horses with all types of health problems as well as for their human owners. Noni juice from Tahiti has done wonders for horses who otherwise would have had to be destroyed. "
Lovas tapasztalatok Elizabeth R., USA
" In November, my noni juice-drinking sister from Tennessee sent me a newspaper article about a horse that was cancer-free after 30 days of consuming four ounces of noni juice per day. Something clicked in my brain. I was drinking noni juice for cholesterol, and bowel problems, not cancer problems. I immediately obtained copies of my mammograms from the two October 2001 dates. Sure enough, there was the lump on the Oct. 3rd film, plain to the naked eye, with no lump on the Oct. 12th films. What happened to the lump? What was I doing the nine days between films? I was drinking four ounces of noni juice per day just like the horse mentioned in the newspaper article. Was I spared the horror of cancer? I will never know the answer to that question, but I thanked the Lord again, this time for noni juice. "
Lovas tapasztalatok Fred and Bobbie Wolger
" We breed Quarter Horses and Paints in California. One day we received a cal that a valuable mare had been critically injured in an accident in Oregon. Her pectoral and shoulder muscles had literally been torn away. The local veterinarian put her chances of survival at less than 2 percent and told us that we should put her down immediately.
I (Fred) have been researching alternative health care and healing methods to deal with my own medical problems (primarily arthritis) for almost 30 years. During the course of this research, I had recently read about noni.
When we received the call regarding the injured mare, I refused to have her put down. She comes from championship stock and, even though she was injured too badly to be shown, her potential value for breeding was very high.
I gave instructions that noni be put directly on the wounds, as well as down the throat. A few days after her accident, I drove to Oregon and found that she was in bad shape, but still alive.
I gave the horse several ounces of noni juice to sedate her. Nothing else that I had been given to use for this purpose worked. I then proeeded to cut away at least 5 pounds of rotting flesh, nerves, and muscle from her injured shoulder. The following week, I put her in a trailer and took her back to California to continue her recovery.
Within 3 months she was running like an antelope! All of the hair has grown back over the injured area. Six weeks ago, I turned her loose to roam on open range.
I also used noni juice on a yearling that had been badly injured when pushed through a fence by a mare. His flesh and muscle on the inside of his leg was cut to the bone from the top of the leg almost down to the hoof.
I cut off the end of a turkey baster and gave this yearling 8 ounces of noni juice orally. I applied it topically as well. In treating this horse, I had to cut through veins and cauterize them with a heated iron to stop the bleeding.
This horse never flinched throughout this entire process. I wrapped the leg and continued to give the horse 8 ounces of noni juice orally each day. Two months later, the leg was healed and I was able to turn him out to pasture.
We also gave noni juice to one of our cats who had been injured when she was stepped on by a horse. She had been dragging her injured leg for six months. After only a month on noni juice, she could walk normally.
Noni juice has helped our 9 year old German Shepherd as well. Before drinking the juice, his advancing age made it very difficult for him to get around. After a couple of months on noni juice, he plays with our young pup until the pup is absolutely exhausted and gives up! We believe without a doubt that Noni juice is a truly amazing gift from paradise and encourage everyone to try it!
Lovas tapasztalatok Growth In Horse's Nose Is Gone - K Judge, D.C.
" My 8-year old thoroughbred mare developed a large growth in her right nostril. It look like a large, ballooning abscess, but it was dense, painless tissue. The Vet removed it and had it analyzed. The lab confirmed it to be a fibrosarcoma tumor which is a malignant cancerous tumor attached by a stalk that grows invasive tentacles making it difficult to successfully treat. I was told it will grow back, which it did 5 Months later (April, 1997). I contacted the Vet again who consulted with the surgeon at the Equine Center at Davis, California. I was told that even after extensive tests (x-ray, MRI, Endoscopic examination) and treatment (surgical excision of tumor, connecting stalk and surrounding tissue) that it will continue to grow back.
Having studied natural and holistic healing for over 20 years I decided to treat her myself using natural methods. Noni was the first method I tried. I chose it because of it's success in treating tumors and because it was unique product. I gave her 2 oz. 2 times daily with her feed. Her coat seemed to improved immediately. On the 3rd day I noticed a discharge coming from her right nostril (like a runny nose). On the 5th day, noticing that there was no tentacle fiber hanging from her nostril as there had been, I looked up her nostril and was shocked and amazed that there was nothing there.
I have continued to give her 4-6 oz. a day with her feed and will keep her on Noni for 1 year as recommended for cancer so that the cells can continue to regenerate normally without the need to form the new growth.
Lovas tapasztalatok Horse’s Critical Injury Healed with Help from Noni - F & B Wolger
" We breed Quarter Horses and Paints in California. One day we received a call that a valuable mare had been critically injured in an accident in Oregon. Her pectoral and shoulder muscles had literally been torn away. The local veterinarian put her chances of survival at less than 2 percent and told us that we should put her down immediately.
I have been researching alternative health care and healing methods to deal with my own medical problems (primarily arthritis) for almost 30 years. During the course of this research, I had recently read about noni.
When we received the call regarding the injured mare, I refused to have her put down. She comes from championship stock and, even though she was injured too badly to be shown, her potential value for breeding was very high.
I gave instructions that noni be put directly on the wounds, as well as down the throat. A few days after her accident, I drove to Oregon and found that she was in bad shape, but still alive.
I gave the horse several ounces of noni juice to sedate her. Nothing else that I had been given to use for this purpose worked. I then proceeded to cut away at least 5 pounds of rotting flesh, nerves, and muscle from her injured shoulder. The following week, I put her in a trailer and took her back to California to continue her recovery.
Within 3 months she was running like an antelope! All of the hair has grown back over the injured area. Six weeks ago, I turned her loose to roam on open range.
I also used noni juice on a yearling that had been badly injured when pushed through a fence by a mare. His flesh and muscle on the inside of his leg was cut to the bone from the top of the leg almost down to the hoof.
I cut off the end of a turkey baster and gave this yearling 8 ounces of noni juice orally. I applied it topically as well. In treating this horse, I had to cut through veins and cauterize them with a heated iron to stop the bleeding.
This horse never flinched throughout this entire process. I wrapped the leg and continued to give the horse 8 ounces of noni juice orally each day. Two months later, the leg was healed and I was able to turn him out to pasture.
We also gave noni juice to one of our cats who had been injured when she was stepped on by a horse. She had been dragging her injured leg for six months. After only a month on noni juice, she could walk normally.
Noni juice has helped our 9 year old German Shepherd as well. Before drinking the juice, his advancing age made it very difficult for him to get around. After a couple of months on noni juice, he plays with our young pup until the pup is absolutely exhausted and gives up! We believe without a doubt that Noni juice is a truly amazing gift from paradise and encourage everyone to try it!
Lovas tapasztalatok Noni Saves Life Of Valuable Horse
" We breed Quarter Horses and Paints in California. One day we received a call that a valuable mare had been critically injured in an accident in Oregon. Her pectoral and shoulder muscles had literally been torn away. The local veterinarian put her chances of survival at less than 2 percent and told us that we should put her down immediately.
I (Fred) have been researching alternative health care and healing methods to deal with my own medical problems (primarily arthritis) for almost 30 years. During the course of this research, I had recently read about noni.
When we received the call regarding the injured mare, I refused to have her put down. She comes from championship stock and, even though she was injured too badly to be shown, her potential value for breeding was very high.
I gave instructions that noni be put directly on the wounds, as well as down her throat. A few days after her accident, I drove to Oregon and found that she was in bad shape, but still alive.
I gave the horse several ounces of noni juice to sedate her. Nothing else that I had been given to use for this purpose worked. I then proceeded to cut away at least 5 pounds of rotting flesh, nerves, and muscle from her injured shoulder. The following week, I put her in a trailer and took her back to California to continue her recovery.
Within 3 months she was running like an antelope! All of the hair has grown back over the injured area. Six weeks ago, I turned her loose to roam on open range.
I also used noni juice on a yearling that had been badly injured when pushed through a fence by a mare. His flesh and muscle on the inside of his leg was cut to the bone from the top of the leg almost to the hoof. I cut off the end of a turkey baster and gave this yearling 8 ounces of noni juice orally.
I applied it topically as well. In treating this horse, I had cut through veins and cauterize them with a heated iron to stop the bleeding. This horse never flinched throughout this entire process. I wrapped the leg and continued to give the horse 8 ounces of noni juice orally each day. Two months later, the leg was healed and I was able to turn him out to pasture.
We also gave noni juice to one of our cats who had been injured when she was stepped on by a horse. She had been dragging her injured leg for six months. After only a month on noni juice, she could walk normally.
Noni Juice has helped our 9 year old German Shepherd as well. Before drinking the juice, his advancing age made it very difficult for him to get around. After a couple of months on noni juice, he plays with our young pup until the pup is absolutely exhausted and gives up! We believe without a doubt that Noni juice is a truly amazing gift from paradise and encourage everyone to try it!

A szerkesztrl
Induls: 2006-11-18
<bgsound src="https://www.tahitiannoni.com/sfs/uc/9112990775/english/Everyone_Everywhere.mp3" loop=true>




A termkek
Noni Juice


Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kiköt&#245; felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU    *****    Nyakunkon a Karácsony, ajándékozz születési horoszkópot barátaidnak, ismerõseidnek.Nagyon szép ajándék! Várlak, kattints    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!